Illingur frá Tóftum

Sex Regnr Färg Born Height Other
Stallion IS1998187280 Chestnut pinto ------ 137 cm

Illingur is an incredible stallion with color, conformation, gaits and pedigree.

He is total estimated to 8.73, with 8.88 for gaits and 8.51 for conformation.

On Landmót 2008 in Hella, he was 2nd in A-flokk.

In 2002, he won Landsmóts breeding class for 4-year-old stallions

3:rd Swedish Championships in Gaedingakeppni, A-flokk.

2012 - ELIT reward for offsprings

Worldrecord beat during Landsmot 2012!

An incredible achievement by the Illingur-son Noi fra Stora-Hofi. 2002, Illingur won the breedingclass for 4-year-old stallionsat Landsmot with a total of 8.36. Now, 10 years later, his son Noi repeated that achievement. Not only did he win, at the same time, he beat the worldrecord among 4-year-old mares and stallions through all times, with the amazing result of 8.51 total. 8.37 for conformation and the unbelievavle 8.60 for ridingabilities.

Illingur shows us yet another time his value as a breedinghorse.

Noi fra Stora-Hofi